Filed Under: Trust & Estates Law
Attorney Johanna Allex to Present on Special Needs Trusts
Attorney Johanna Allex to Present on Special Needs Trusts for the Madison Public Library Foundation The Madison Public Library Foundation will host Special Needs Trusts as part of an upcoming presentation in its virtual Educational Series from 12:00-1:00p.m. on Monday, March 18, 2024. Special needs trusts are set up for people with physical or cognitive […]
Filed Under: Employment & Labor Law
Attorney Pamela M. Ploor Provides Labor & Employment Law Updates
Attorney Pam Ploor presents and authors recent updates to labor & employment law in Wisconsin Attorney Pamela Ploor authored “Artificial Intelligence in Municipal Employment” for the March 2024 edition of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities magazine, The Municipality. The article addresses government guidance, risks, and recommendations for the use of AI tools in municipal employment, […]
Filed Under: Business Law Environment and Land Use Law Litigation
Let March Madness Begin! The SEC Finally Announces its Climate Disclosure Rule
Securities and Exchange Commission Finally Announces Climate Disclosure Rule While some people have been eagerly anticipating college basketball’s March Madness, others have been anticipating the SEC’s long-awaited climate disclosure rule, which was finally announced today. As discussed previously (in a climate-related disclosures blog post from a year and a half ago), this rule is highly contentious […]
Filed Under: Election & Political Law
Attorney Jeffrey Mandell Presents on Election Law & the Wisconsin Constitution
Attorney Jeff Mandell to give several presentations on Election Law and Wisconsin Constitution in 2024’s first quarter Jeff spoke to the Carpenters’ Union North Central States Legislative Conference at the Monona Terrace on February 29, 2024. He presented an update on the redistricting case surrounding Wisconsin’s legislative maps. On March 7, Jeff will speak to […]
Filed Under: Federal Indian and Tribal Law
Attorney Jamie Konopacky to Speak at Midwest Alliance of Sovereign Tribes Meeting
Attorney Jamie Konopacky speaks alongside Congress members to Great Lakes Tribal Nations during Midwest Alliance of Sovereign Tribes meeting Attorney Jamie Konopacky will be in Washington, D.C. this week for a meeting during the Midwest Alliance of Sovereign Tribes (MAST) Impact Week 2024. She will be speaking alongside several members of Congress before dozens of […]
Filed Under: Litigation
In Theatres this March: Bad River Film
Join Stafford Rosenbaum in watching the film Bad River, in theatres from March 15-20, 2024. The movie documents the Bad River Band’s ongoing fight for sovereignty against Canadian energy company Enbridge. The movie will play at AMC Fitchburg 18, Ashland Bay Cinema 6, and at select theatres across the country. 50% of all profits from […]
Filed Under: Dealership & Franchise Law
The Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law Enters Its 50th Year: Relationship with the Wisconsin Motor Vehicle Dealer Law
How the Wisconsin Motor Vehicle Dealer Law Relates to the Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law A common misunderstanding is that the Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law governs (only) automobile dealerships. That belief is not entirely surprising given that automobile dealerships are the most ubiquitous, public-facing “dealership” in the country. Earlier installments of Stafford Rosenbaum’s Wisconsin Fair Dealership […]
Filed Under: Environment and Land Use Law
Attorney Vanessa Wishart Presents on PFAS Regulation at 2024 Government Affairs Seminar
Attorney Vanessa Wishart Discusses Water Law Regulatory Updates as Part of PFAS Panel On Thursday, February 15, 2024, Attorney Vanessa Wishart will give a regulatory update on per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at the 2024 Government Affairs Seminar in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Vanessa’s update is part of the PFAS portion of the daylong seminar, during […]
Filed Under: Environment and Land Use Law
Wisconsin Appeals Court Upholds Rejection of Wetland Fill Permit in Kohler Golf Course Project
When it reviews a wetland individual permit application, the DNR must consider the impacts of the entire project proposing wetland fill, and not only the physical footprint of the proposed fill itself. DNR’s purview of secondary impacts extends to otherwise unregulated activities of the permitted project where they result in significant adverse environmental consequences. In […]
Filed Under: Dealership & Franchise Law
The Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law Enters Its 50th Year: Novel Applications
The Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law (WFDL), found in Chapter 135 of the Wisconsin Statutes, extends good cause, proper notice, and cure protections to an “extraordinarily diverse set of business relationships.” The WFDL’s litigation history illustrates the eclectic mix of relationships protected by the statute, including alcohol distributors, forklift resellers, custom log home distributors, water spa […]
Filed Under: Construction Law
Attorney Jessica Mederson Presents at The Precast Show on Resilience in Building Design
Attorney Jessica Mederson Presents “Enhancing Resilience in Building Design: A Critical Response to Climate Change Challenges” Understanding the threats posed by climate change and incorporating resilience into building design and the construction process are pivotal strategic priorities for the built environment and related industries. Jessica’s presentation will discuss the legal exposure the precast industry can […]
Filed Under: Election & Political Law
Stafford Rosenbaum Election & Political Law Attorneys File Amicus Brief in United States Supreme Court
Stafford Rosenbaum Files Amicus Brief in U.S. Supreme Court of Behalf of Former Governors ahead of 2024 Presidential Election Stafford Rosenbaum Attorneys Jeff Mandell, Doug Poland, Rachel Snyder, and Carly Gerads filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court today on behalf of three former Republican Governors—Montana’s Marc Racicot, Massachusetts’s Bill Weld, and New […]
Filed Under: Business Law Trust & Estates Law
Attorneys James Egle and Jill Martin Present on Business Succession for the Wisconsin Family Business Center
Attorneys Jim Egle and Jill Martin Present “Business Succession and Transition” Attorneys Jim Egle and Jill Martin recently presented on business succession and transition for members and guests of the Wisconsin Family Business Center. Their presentation was part of the FBC’s recurring Speaker Series, with a January program focused on helping family members navigate the […]
Filed Under: Family Law
Attorney Amy Collins O’Hara Presents on Divorce for State Bar of Wisconsin
Attorney Amy Collins O’Hara to Present on the Elements of a Divorce during State Bar CLE Program On Friday, January 26, Attorney Amy Collins O’Hara will present on the elements of a divorce during the State Bar of Wisconsin’s Handling a Basic Divorce 2024. Her presentation is part of a day-long CLE for member and non-members […]
Filed Under: Dealership & Franchise Law
The Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law Enters Its 50th Year: Preemption
How Preemption Limits the Scope of the Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law In an earlier blog post on the Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law’s excluded relationships, we discussed that while the WFDL is arguably the most expansive and encompassing dealership or franchise statute in the country, its scope is not unlimited. There are exceptions to its application […]
Filed Under: Appellate Law
The Ghost of Procedural Rules Past: Wisconsin Court of Appeals Applies Waiver to Party Failing to Appeal a Non-Appealable Order
Attorneys Jeff Mandell and David P. Hollander Explain Wisconsin Appellate Court Decision to Apply Waiver to Party Failing to Appeal a Non-Appealable Order Waiver is a well-established concept under Wisconsin law, defined as the intentional relinquishment of a known right. E.g., Loren Imhoff Homebuilder, Inc. v. Taylor, 2022 WI 12, ¶13, 400 Wis. 2d 611, […]
Filed Under: Election & Political Law
Attorney Douglas Poland Presents at State Bar of Wisconsin’s Annual Constitutional Law Symposium
Attorney Doug Poland to Present on Updates in Election Administration and Access to Voting at the Wisconsin State Bar On Thursday, December 7, Attorney Doug Poland will present on recent updates in election administration and access to voting at the State Bar of Wisconsin’s Annual Constitutional Law Symposium 2023. The presentation is part of a day-long […]
Filed Under: Family Law
Attorney Tiffany Highstrom to Present on Ethics for GALs & Family Law Practitioners
Attorney Tiffany Highstrom Presents to Guardians Ad Litem & Family Law Practitioners On December 7, from 12:00-1:00 PM, Attorney Tiffany Highstrom will lead and present on a webinar panel sponsored and hosted by the Collaborative Family Law Council of Wisconsin (CFLCW). Avoiding Ethical Pitfalls: A Webinar for GALs & Family Law Practitioners will cover the […]
Filed Under: Dealership & Franchise Law
The Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law Enters Its 50th Year: Situated in Wisconsin
How the Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law Affords Protections to Businesses Based Out of State In an earlier post, we discussed when the relationship between two parties qualifies as a protected dealership under the Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law and how the statute may apply to an eclectic mix of commercial arrangements. For a WFDL-protected dealership to […]
Filed Under: Election & Political Law
Attorney Jeff Mandell in the Media Spotlight Surrounding Wisconsin Redistricting
Attorney Jeff Mandell Receives Wisconsin and Nationwide Attention on Redistricting and Wisconsin Legislative Maps Stafford Rosenbaum Partner Jeff Mandell made an appearance on the November 19, 2023 edition of UpFront, a Wisconsin TV broadcast produced by ABC on Sunday mornings. He is part of the counsel team leading oral arguments before the Wisconsin Supreme Court […]