Filed Under: Business Law Environment and Land Use Law Litigation
Three Steps Engineers Should Follow to Reduce the Risk of Climate-Change-Related Litigation
“Three Steps Engineers Should Follow to Reduce the Risk of Climate-Change-Related Litigation,” authored by Attorney Jessica Mederson and Climate Reality Leader Monika Serrano, was originally published in Structure magazine’s June 2023 issue. Flooding, heat waves, rising sea levels, and the associated news about these effects of climate change are enough to make anyone feel hopeless […]
Filed Under: Business Law Environment and Land Use Law Litigation
Perspectives: Incorporating Resilience in Building Design Helps Mitigate Threat of Climate Change
“Perspectives: Incorporating Resilience in Building Design Helps Mitigate Threat of Climate Change,” authored by Attorney Jessica Mederson and Climate Reality Leader Monika Serrano, was originally published in Business Insurance magazine in September 2022. While climate change may still be a disputed topic in the political realm, insurers have been aware of the risks posed by […]