Stafford Rosenbaum Invites Businesses to Sponsor LAW’s Fundraiser for the DAIS Legal Program

Madison, WI (January 20, 2014) – Stafford Rosenbaum LLP proudly supports the Legal Association of Women’s (LAW) annual fundraiser for the Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS) legal program. LAW invites Dane County businesses to donatean item or abasket for the silent auction.
DAIS offers seven comprehensive crisis intervention and prevention programs including the DAIS Legal Advocacy Program. Legal Advocates provide support, information, advocacy, and court accompaniment including assistance with restraining orders and family, criminal, immigration, and other legal matters. To contribute an item to the silent auction, contact Attorney Amy Collins at
Stafford Rosenbaum LLP, with offices in Madison and Milwaukee, has been aleading law firm in Wisconsin for 135 years. The firm offers a full array of legal services to businesses, governments, and individuals, helping find solutions to legal problems. Additional information about the firm may be found at and on LinkedIn.