June 23, 2014 – The DNR will hold a public hearing on the air pollution control permit application submitted by Hi-Crush Whitehall LLC for construction and operation of an industrial sand mine and processing plant located at W20757 Country Road Q, Independence in Trempealeau County.
June 23, 2014 – The DNR Brownfields Study Group Local Government Subcommittee will discuss recommendations for local government proposal papers. The subcommittee works on issues such as taxes, liability protections and funding for local government units.
June 25, 2014 – The Division of Hearing and Appeals will hold a public hearing in the matter of the application of Waupaca County to abandon and remove the Little Hope Dam on the Crystal River, Town of Dayton.
June 25, 2014 – The Natural Resources Board agenda includes hearing authorization for two rule packages regarding revisions to the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program and the Clean Water Fund Program. Revisions include changes to the definitions of eligible project as well as the project scoring system.
June 25, 2014 – The DNR will hold a public hearing on an application from the Edgewater Hotel Company, LLC of Madison for a permit to place a pier/wharf on the bed of Lake Mendota. The project is proposing a 42 slip pier associated with the Edgewater Hotel Redevelopment Project. The proposed structure includes a 150 foot long fixed permanent pier and two 210 foot long floating docks. The structure is designed to provide docking slips for hotel guests, metered docking slips for 35 public access boats, moorage and staging for dinner cruise/excursion boat, one slip for water taxi, fueling and sanitary pump-out facilities, two public canoe/kayak slips and an accessible public fishing platform.
June 26, 2014 – The Menominee River Area of Concern Citizens Advisory Committee will hold a public meeting which will include updates on the Menominee River contaminated sediment remediation projects and provide an opportunity for participants to discuss a number of Menominee River topics including updates on the Tyco site, Menekaunee Harbor and the fish passage project.
June 26, 2014 – The DNR will hold a public hearing on the air pollution control construction and operation permit applications submitted by Generac Power Systems in Waukesha County. The permit application includes plans and specifications for construction and operation of generator/engine testing line and modification to existing facility.
June 27, 2014 – The DNR will hold two public meeting regarding the new operating order for the Rest Lake Dam. There will be a brief presentation followed by a comment period. Written comments on the draft order can be submitted until July 18th, 2014.