We look forward to seeing you in Stafford Rosenbaum’s Madison and Milwaukee offices. Our number one priority is to keep our clients and employees safe and healthy. We have implemented a complete, detailed employee plan to guard our office against infection and spread, but, in accordance with guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the State of Wisconsin, we would like our clients to keep the following advice in mind.
Limiting the Spread:
- Wash or disinfect hands often.
- Avoid close contact with others.
- Face masks are required when you come into our Madison office, per the Dane County mask mandate effective August 19, 2021, whether or not you have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. If you have not been fully vaccinated for COVID-19, you must wear a mask in both our Madison and Milwaukee offices. If you do not have a mask, we will have disposable masks available. Please note that these are disposable surgical masks, and we cannot guarantee that they will protect you from contracting COVID-19. The CDC illustrates how to properly wear a face covering and has several tutorials for how to make one.
Social Distancing:
In keeping with CDC guidance, we ask that visitors follow appropriate social distancing while in common areas of our building, office, elevators and visitor parking lot.
- For your safety, and for the safety of our employees, we ask that you maintain a distance of six feet between yourself and others in our building and office at all times.
- Only two people at a time from separate households should ride in elevators. If you are riding the elevator with someone outside of your household, one person should ride in a front corner and the other person in the back, opposite corner.
Day of Your Visit:
We recognize that it is not always possible to meet with your attorney virtually, but this will remain an available option, when possible, for your comfort beyond the pandemic.
- If you feel or become ill on or before the day of your appointment, please call us to reschedule.
- Our parking areas are free to our clients.
- Please check in at Reception upon arrival. We will maintain a log of all guests and employees who enter our office. The receptionist will direct you to a conference room upon check-in to limit time in common spaces.
- We will utilize no-touch contact.
- Conference rooms and common spaces will be thoroughly disinfected before and after visits.