March 5 and 6th, 2013: The DNR Bureau of Endangered Resources initiated and completed a review of Wisconsin’s rare species and now proposes changes to Ch. NR 27, Wis. Adm. Code which will add eight species and remove 16 species to the Wisconsin endangered and threatened species list and will update 20 scientific names. The species to be added to the list include the Upland Sandpiper (threatened), the Black Tern (endangered), Kirland’s Warbler (endangered), Beach-dune Tiger Bettle (endangered), Fawnsfoot (threatened), Ottoe Skipper (endangered), Shovel-headed Leafhopper (endangered), and Issid Planthopper (threatened). The DNR proposes to remove the following species: Barn Owl, Bewick’s Wren, Snowy Egret, Greater Redhorse, Blanding’s Turtle, Butler’s Gartersnake, Pygmy Snaketail, American Fever-few, Bog Bluegrass, Canada Horse-balm, Drooping Sedge, Hemlock Parsley, Prairie Indian-Plantain, Snowy Campion, Yellow Gentian and Yellow Giant Hyssop.
March 5, 2013: The Assembly Committee on Energy and Utilities will hold a public hearing on Assembly Bill 39 relating to the power and duties of an electric transmission company and certificates of public convenience and necessity and permits for certain electric generating facilities and high-voltage transmission lines. This is a companion bill to SB 35 which the Senate Committee on Government Operations, Public Works, and Telecommunications . The bill proposes to clarify when an application is deemed complete and eliminates the requirement to submit a detailed project plan to the DNR at least 60 days prior to filing the CPCN application.
March 7, 2013: The Senate passed the SB 1, the mining bill last week. The full Assembly will consider the mining bill on Thursday.