June 17-21, 2013: The full legislature is likely to be taking up the budget this week. There are a number of environmental provisions in the budget including the removal of citizen’s rights to challenge high capacity well applications on the basis of the DNR’s failure to review cumulative impacts and restricts local governmental entities from imposing stricter stormwater standards on construction than the state standards.

June 20th, 2013: The DNR will hold a public hearing on an air pollution control permit application submitted by Mullins Cheese. The application includes plans and specification for modification and operation of a boiler to a fire natural gas (in place of wood), construction of two replacement (higher KW) diesel generators (not emergency), addition of four 37.8 MMBT/hr boilers, addition of six 1750 KWe generators, two spray dryer processes, and other changes.

What to look for in the coming weeks:
July 8th, 2013: The DNR will hold a public hearing on supplemental information that the DNR plans to submit to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in support of a redesignation request for the Milwaukee-Racine Nonattainment Area for the 2006 24-hour PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) submitted to EPA on June 5, 2012.

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