No DNR public hearings this week.
August 1, 2013: The revisions to chapter NR 210, Wisconsin Administrative Code to update and clarify the requirements for sanitary sewerage overflows becomes effective on August 1, 2013. Permittees with permits out on public notice should review their draft permits to ensure that the revised language is incorporated in their reissued permits.
General Permit for Satellite Sewage Collection Systems: The DNR has proposed the reissuance of the general permit for satellite sewage collection systems. The DNR is accepting comments on the general permit until August 26, 2013. The proposed permit is similar to the current permit, with a few clarifications and updates. Included in the new requirements, from the recent revisions to ch. NR 210, Wis. Adm. Code, for a capacity, management, operation and maintenance (CMOM), and a system evaluation and capacity assurance plan (SECAP) may be required when a permittee is in noncompliance.