April 2, 2013: The Assembly Committee on Energy and Utilities will hold an executive session on Assembly Bill 39 relating to the power and duties of an electric transmission company and certificates of public convenience and necessity and permits for certain electric generating facilities and high-voltage transmission lines. The bill proposes to clarify when an application is deemed complete and eliminates the requirement to submit a detailed project plan to the DNR at least 60 days prior to filing the CPCN application.
The Committee will also hold a public hearing on two bills: Assembly Bill 64 and 106. AB 64 is a companion bill to Senate Bill 55 which proposes to included joint local water authorities to the group of local governmental units that are eligible to participate in the safe drinking loan program and is subject to state cost sharing when relocation or replacement of the utility facilities is required by the construction of a freeway. AB 106 will specifically restrict the release of municipal utility customer information in certain situations, including public record requests.
April 4, 2013: Public hearing on air pollution control permit application submitted by Hi-Crush Augusta LLC. The permit application includes the construction of a new conveyor dust collector, a blasting process at the industrial sand mine and modification of the dry plant processes in the dryer building, and operation of an industrial sand mine and processing plant.
What to look for in the coming weeks:
April 16, 17 & 18th,2013: Public hearings on revisions to ch. NR 150, Wis. Adm. Code, relating to the department’s environmental analysis and review procedures under the Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act. The DNR is proposing to repeal the type list and replace it with criteria for identifying, prioritizing, analyzing and seeking public input on issues relating to DNR actions.
April 18th, 2013: Public comments due on proposed guidance for implementing new EPA public notice requirements for substantial modifications to nutrient management plans.
April 26th, 2013: Public comments due on proposed guidance for implementing water quality trading in WPDES permits and proposed guidance for external stakeholders to evaluate water quality trading as a permit compliance option and develop a water quality trading strategy.