Hearings and Meetings:
February 18, 2013: Pubic informational meeting to provide update on petroleum contamination and cleanup from a pipeline spill in Washington County, Town of Jackson.
February 19, 2013: Public informational meeting to review analysis of possible near road monitoring sites in Milwaukee and to recommend a site for a new air monitoring station.
February 19, 2013: Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Board Meeting. The agenda includes a request for hearing authorization for revisions to ATCP 50 relating to soil and water resource management. It is primarily being revised to implement the new and modified farm runoff control standards adopted by the DNR in 2011.
February 19, 2013: Assembly Committee on Environment and Forestry public hearing on DNR rule regulating sanitary sewer overflows (Clearinghouse Rule 12-027) and Assembly Bill 13 relating to methods of providing assistance under the Clean Water Fund and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program and projects that are eligible under the Clean Water Fund.
February 21, 2013: Public informational meeting to provide an update on molybedenum contamination in groundwater in the Caledonia-Oak Creek area.
February 21, 2013: Lower Menominee River Area of Concern Citizen Advisory Committee. The meeting will include updates on Menominee River contaminated sediment remediation projects and results and recommendations from the 2012 “fish data roundup” activity.
What to look for in the coming weeks:
February 26-27, 2013: Natural Resources Board meeting. The agenda includes request for adoption of revisions to chapters NR 700 to 754 regarding the investigation and cleanup of Brownfields and other contaminated properties and request for hearing authorization on revisions to chapter NR 150 regarding environmental assessment process.
March 19, 2013: Public Hearing on proposed rule revisions to ch. NR 211 regarding the pretreatment requirements for DNR, pretreatment programs of publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) and for industries discharging to POTWs.