Environmental Week in Preview – Week of May 12, 2014

May 12, 2014: The Waterfront Revitalization Brownfields Study Group will hold a public meeting regarding the issue of aging infrastructure and legacy issues.
May 13, 2014: The DNR will hold a public hearing regarding an air pollution control construction and operation permit application submitted by John Deere Horicon Works. The application includes plans and specifications for modification to the production area engine testing, research and development engine test cells, welding stations and boilers.
May 13, 2014: The Laboratory Certification Standards Review Council will hold a public meeting regarding suggestions for revisions to ch. NR 149, the administrative code governing lab certification.
May 14, 2014: The Air Management Study Group will hold a public meeting with an update on the 1-hour SO2 NAAQS proposed data requirements rule and guidance, PM2.5 redesignation, the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Supreme Court Decision, landfill gas guidance and the outcome of the ROP and permit exemption notifications.
May 16, 2014: The Nonpoint Source Stakeholder Workgroup will hold a public meeting to review and get feedback on a draft handbook to address nonpoint source involvement in adaptive management and water quality trading for implementers of nonpoint programs.