April 21, 2014: The DNR and Department of Health Services and representatives from the Holtz Krause Landfill Steering Committee will hold an open house to clarify the issues raised following DNR’s issuance of the Notification of Residual Contamination Letter.
April 22, 2014: The Brownfields Study Group Economic Impact Committee will hold a meeting regarding the review of the economic impact of the state brownfields program.
April 22 & 23, 2014: The DNR will hold an open house to begin the process to review and update the master plan for the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway. The meetings are being held to share information about the upcoming planning process and public participation opportunities and to hear what issues the public would like to see including in the plan review.
April 23, 2014: The DNR will hold a public hearing on a permit application to place multiple piers on the beds of Duck and Lynx Lakes in Vilas County. The project consists of placing up to 5 piers with the combined capacity of 68 boat slips along the shoreline in front of the Wild Eagle Lodge Property.
April 24, 2014: The DNR will hold a public meeting to discuss the proposed disposal of dredged material from Menekaunee Harbor. The City of Marinette has proposed to dredge within the Menekaunee Harbor to increase harbor depth, allowing for safer navigation of watercraft and the potential return of recreational boating to the harbor. The City has asked for an exemption from solid waste regulations to dispose of approximately 22,500 cubic yards of dredged material on property owned by the City.